Monday, February 26, 2007

Open Sesame...

You Are 78% Open

You're a pretty open person - and you don't mind sharing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly.
And while sometimes you do catch yourself blabbing on, you usually exhibit restraint.
You're openness is quite refreshing, and it encourages other people to be open with you!
How Open Are You?


Never lived in other cities except Miami - for six years in 1984-1990

American Cities That Best Fit You::
70% Austin
65% Miami
60% Seattle
55% Honolulu
50% Denver
Which American Cities Best Fit You?


Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP)

Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?

Not That Weird After All

I was classified as a wierdo in school but ....

You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.
How Weird Are You?

Nerd? No, not Me

I am not that nerdy after all....

You Are 36% Nerdy
You're a little nerdy, but no one would ever call you a nerd.You sometimes get into nerdy things, but only after they've become a part of mainstream culture.
How Nerdy Are You?